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福瑞号2023-06-09 12:18:25生活常识268

1. 泰国情降法术简介

情降是指一种爱情咒语,它源自于泰国的民间传说和巫术,是一种能够吸引心仪对象的法术。 人们常常使用情降来吸引自己喜欢的人,这是一种古老但又流传至今的文化现象。

2. 情降的咒语


(1) Ohm Mahaa Patihat Napham Wan Sin Nampeung Maha Larp

(2) Guru Lan Taat Hai Ma Rak Chai Hai Ma Nuea

(3) Ohm Mahaa Larp Glai Din Dong Jai Ner

3. 如何使用情降咒语






“情降” is a type of Thai black magic used for attracting love, rekindling lost love and fixing relationships. It involves performing specific rituals and casting spells to bring about positive changes in one’s love life. The following article outlines the three main scenarios where “情降” can be used and provides insights into how it works, its time frame, and potential side effects.

Scenarios for Using “情降”

There are three main scenarios in which individuals may seek to use “情降”:

1. To save their own relationship or gain the heart of someone they love.

2. To improve their career and financial prospects.

3. To seek revenge against someone who has wronged them.

To cast a “心灵法事” for any of these purposes, individuals typically seek out a practitioner who may be reached via WeChat. The most effective practitioners are typically those with high degrees of expertise.

How Does “情降” Work?

“情降” involves a series of rituals and spells used to summon specific deities to help bring about the desired outcome. It relies on the concept of Yin and Yang, a core component of traditional Chinese philosophy, in which forces of opposite nature interact and complement each other. The spell-casting process typically takes seven days to complete and includes specific elements such as incense, candles, and offerings.

Time frame for “情降”

The effects of a spell typically begin to take shape within two weeks of casting. However, it may take up to a month for effects to become evident, especially if the relationship damage was severe. There are reported cases where the spell has worked more quickly, with some individuals reporting results in as little as one week.

Precautions for “情降”

It is important to note that while this ritual has been successful for many people, it is still considered black magic and can have negative side effects. Practitioners should avoid things like consuming meat, sex, and killing living things during the seven-day casting process. Once the casting is completed, practitioners should focus on building good karma to maintain the ritual's effects. Also, practitioners should maintain a good attitude and be cautious of the impacts of decades of exposure to Yin energies.

Side Effects of “情降”

There are reported side effects to using “情降,” such as:

1. Dissipating negative emotions.

2. Developing an overwhelming desire to contact the intended target of the spell.

3. Developing feelings of guilt or regret.


“情降” is an effective ritual in reviving relationships, seeking revenge, and improving one's career and financial prospects. However, practitioners must be cautious of the potential side effects and follow the proper precautions to maintain its effects and avoid negative consequences. Should you wish to learn more about this ritual and or are planning to use it, it is best to contact an expert to guide you through the entire process.




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