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福瑞号2022-11-12 01:33:05问答百科230


moreover/ furthermore/ besides/ additionally/ in addition/ also/as well

1-moreover (formal)

1. 前边可用句号,也可用分号

2. 可以和and连用,标点方式两种,见例句

She saw that there was indeed a man immediately behind her. Moreover, he was observing her strangely. 她看到的确有个男人紧跟在她身后。而且,他还在怪异地观察着她。

The dark skies and distant thunder dissuaded Clarice from her afternoon run; moreover, she had thirty calculus problems to solve for her morning class. 黑暗的天空和远处的雷声阻止了克拉丽斯下午的跑步; 此外,她还有三十道微积分问题要解决。

The price is too high, and moreover, the house isn't in a suitable position. 这幢房子价钱太贵,再者地脚也不好

It was a good car and, moreover, the price was quite reasonable.

2-furthermore (formal)


He said he had not discussed the matter with her. Furthermore, he had not even contacted her. 他说他没有和她讨论过这个问题。而且,他甚至没有和她联系过。

You are grounded for three weeks; furthermore, you cannot text anyone on your phone. 你被禁足三周; 此外,你不能用手机给任何人发短信。

I'm not interested in what you are selling, and furthermore, I asked your company not to contact me ever again. 我对你们卖的东西不感兴趣,而且我要求你们公司不要再联系我了。

This species has a quiet charm and, furthermore, is an easy garden plant这个品种具有安静的魅力,而且是一种容易种植的园林植物 (注意,前后主语一致时可以省略)



I don't really want to go. Besides, it's too late now. 我并不真的想去。况且现在太晚了

That car was too slow for me; besides, it was too expensive. 那辆车对我来说太慢了; 此外,它也太贵了。

I can't go, and besides, I wouldn't go if I could. 我不能去,而且,如果我能去,我也不会去

Attentiveness had become a habit with me, and, besides, I was not yet capable of packing up the office. 专注已成为我的一种习惯,此外,我还不能收拾办公室。

特殊用法: and…besides

You get to sample lots of baked things and take home masses of cookies besides. 你可以品尝许多烘烤食品,此外还能带许多饼干回家。

They serve pasta and many other foods besides. 他们提供意大利面和许多其他食物。

They offer discounts on televisions, stereos and much more besides. 他们对电视、立体声音响设备以及很多其他货品的折扣

4-additionally/in addition

以下additionally都可以替换为in addition

Cats are agile hunters that can catch birds. Additionally, they have fantastic night vision that allows them to see rodents in the dark. 猫是敏捷的猎手,能抓住鸟。 此外,它们有极好的夜视能力,可以在黑暗中看到啮齿动物。

We should talk about Taylor’s grades; additionally, we should discuss her behavior. 我们应该谈谈泰勒的成绩; 此外,我们应该讨论她的行为。

As our family grows, some of us are now parents ourselves, and additionally, have in-laws to also celebrate. 随着我们家庭的成长,我们中的一些人现在已经是父母了,此外,还有姻亲

The diet recommends fruit juice for breakfast and, additionally, fresh fruit once a day该食谱建议早餐喝果汁,此外,每天吃一次新鲜水果


We can’t bake the cake because we ran out of milk. Also, we don’t have any eggs left. 我们不能烤蛋糕了,因为我们的牛奶用完了。 还有,我们没有鸡蛋了。

Chris enjoys making snow angels; also, he loves throwing snowballs. 克里斯喜欢做雪天使; 他也喜欢打雪仗。

Chirs enjoys making snow angels; he, also, loves throwing snowballs. (also经常谓语主语后面)

She studied painting from 1926 and also worked as a commercial artist. 她从1926年开始研究绘画,同时也是一名商业美术家。

6-as well

The population booming contributes to the expansion of cities. The better education and medical condition has a part to play as well in the influx of people from rural areas. 人口的激增导致了城市的扩张。 更好的教育和医疗条件也是农村人口涌入的原因之一。

My family gave me a lot of support, and my friends helps me a lot as well.





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